Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 1: Paprika Anne Hubbell

The story: I was on my way to my cousins when I almost ran over a bird. I looked in my rear-view-mirror and realized it was a baby bird, and it was in the middle of the road flopping around helplessly. For you who know me, know I am a bleeding heart, especially when it comes to animals. So I made a U-turn and parked my car in the middle of the road. I scooped up the bird and put it on my passenger chair. I checked all near-by trees and saw no signs of a nest. Surely I couldn't leave it there to die. 

My cousin and I made a nice home and named the bird Paprika Anne. Pappy is quite lively and loves to swim. I put one of our turtles heating lamps into her new home aka Pimptress-Palace and she loves it! Pappy has yet to eat, but drinks a lot and has had two BM's. Kory tried to hand feed her like a mother bird... but she still refused. Stubborn. We will work on the eating part.

I love Pappy so much :) and so do her brothers. They love to sniff Pappy, and are so gentle. Stay tuned!


  1. Did you name her Paprika after the awesome anime movie? (

    I would suggest finding out what kind of bird she/he is (with an identification key for example) and then research the kind of food they like. Also, did she/he get hurt?

  2. have you tried feeding her WORMS??? from your MOUTH???
